7,5 months later.....we're right on track!
Well, holy crap.
I started this blog with the intention of posting along the way, sharing progress of what we were doing, how we where doing it, why we were doing it etc. But *newsflash*, apparently starting up a humungous gym takes an awful lot of time and energy. Some things just have to stay behind sometimes! But, it's definitely worth it.
I've had to give up more than a few things along the way. No more time for online clients (that's a real bummer!), no social life (except that within the gym), few good night sleeps, financial security (the scariest one of them all) etc etc. But you know what? Life's pretty good. My family is involved which means I get to see them a lot at the gym. I'm getting more time with 1-on-1 clients, semi-private training. I get to see and experience my customers reactions to the gym and the things I do in the gym. I get to change peoples lives. I get to be in a position where few people can be! What would you give up for that?
I feel like now things have calmed down a bit. We've now been open for four months! We have sold over 600 memberships and 444 of them are currently active members - that's a pretty good result in the short time that has passed. Sometimes it feels like we've been open for years, so when I stop and really think about it, I'm almost overwhelmed by the amazing support I've received from my customers. It's amazing. I took a risk, I took a chance. And so far so good. I feel really excited about what's in store for 2015. This is when we really get to WORK!