Web Design
Web Design
A website is one of the most important channels a company has to their clients - my job is to make the website simple enough to not be overwhelming, while informing the visitor of what they need to know. Different company, different requirements. The user experience is in the centre of all my website creation. It is also very import to consider ease of use - with a bad design the webpage won’t get updated!
Equinect Horse Communication
Equinect needed a website that could showcase their products and courses, while communicating the essential vision and vibes of the business. The website design also included a redesign of the logo, with a new color scheme that was incorporated in the webdesign and course material.
Massive Performance
Massive Performance needed a website that was inviting for people who have not yet found their love for training, hence the title “I’m not a gym person, but…”. This was the most commonly said sentence of new members.
By using the members’ ways of communicating, it is much easier to reach the right people. Since the company offers many different types of services, it was also important to keep the design clear and easy to navigate.
Update coming soon - new layout launches late summer 2022
Welhalla Group
Welhalla Group is a startup that focuses on patient or client experience in healthcare and health businesses. They discovered a gap in healthcare, where patient experience is very localised and well designed in a small part of the journey.
Welhallas mission is to create truly patient centered customer journeys through healthcare and help shape the future of how healthcare solutions are developed.
The company is also developing user centered apps to optimise the patient journey through physiotherapy.
Mentala Motiv
Susanna Davidsson from Mentala Motiv needed a website to collect all her projects in one place. She is a skilled behavioural coach who works mainly towards people in business and people who work with horses. We needed to find a way to make the website express her personality more than before, by using a good mix between photos and text.
It was also a challenge to combine two seemingly different business ideas, but by looking at Susannas core values, we managed to present the website in a way that reflected her way of working both with business clients and people from the horse scene.
Update 2022 - no longer active
Sysöstra Skånes Samarbetskommitte
SÖSK is a cooperational organisation made up several municipalities - Sjöbo, Ystad, Simrishamn and Tomelilla.
They needed a fresh upgrade from their old site, which was difficult to update by the people working there. It quickly became outdated and did not communicate what was going on. With the relaunch of their website, they were able to clearly show their local population what SÖSK was doing, and the impact it had on the individuals living in the region.
Update 2022 - no longer active